GRIP Combat Racing is getting a Big Ass update

GRIP Combat Racing is getting a Big Ass update

Most of the times when a game is released it gets patched along the way, this thanks to community bug reports and developers finding new ways to improve their game. Now GRIP is getting quite an overhaul with its affectionately titled “Big Ass Update”. With over 100 improvements and fixes that you can fully read here we do got a short list of its main highlights down below.

  • Lobby overhauled with new simplified voting mechanics and countdown timer
  • Catch-up assistance has been re-balanced and can be toggled during the game’s campaign
  • AI bots now drive more competitively even when catch-up assistance is turned off
  • AI bot vehicles are now selected to be comparable to the player’s vehicle
  • Bug fix for AI bot catch-up in MP games
  • Resolved issue when displaying split-screen results
  • “View to a kill” battle arena is now re-balanced and redesigned
  • “Magmatic Core” battle arena now has speed-pads and has been redesigned to prevent insta-death
  • Improvements to various tracks’ collisions and performance
  • Fixed issues around vehicle customization
  • Improved stability for split-screen tournaments
  • Fixed bug preventing players 3 and 4 selecting vehicles in split-screen
  • Resolved issue where achievements were incorrectly unlocked when spectating a MP game
  • Improved calculations for leaderboard statistics
  • Improved how the player’s overall average speed and position are calculated
  • Electrical sounds volume is now set correctly
  • Improved missile targeting when the target is maneuvering hard
  • Improved missile guidance – missiles now avoid the floor much more often when launching
  • Vehicles are now allocated correctly to human players in split-screen events or tournaments

Because GRIP: Combat Racing is called the spiritual successor to Rollcage, the developer loves that its Indie project is getting liked worldwide. Now with this overhaul we can only imagine that the current player base is getting happier by the minute. You can find our review of GRIP here.


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GRIP Combat Racing is getting a Big Ass update, 8.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

Never give up on a dream. It might be a long nightmare, but one day it will change into a beautiful reality - MC_JP 2014

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