Hound Picked Games adds HyperParasite to its release schedule

Hound Picked Games adds HyperParasite to its release schedule

Hound Picked Games, a progressive and supportive UK indie publisher, is pleased to add a new and exciting title to its ever growing release schedule. This time we’re talking about HyperParasite, developed by the small yet experienced Spanish studio Troglobytes Games.

The development of the Nintendo Switch version has recently begun, which is marked with a brand new trailer. In the meantime, work continues on the PC Steam version to be complemented with an Xbox One and PlayStation 4 release next year.

HyperParasite is a relentless twin-stick shooter/brawler with rogue-lite mechanics and is set in the roaring 80’s, offering cool looks, fast action and great controls. With a variety of characters from sixty different classes, you get to play a game of outrageous action, rip roaring brawling at its very best, laced with a comical slant which adds spice and fun. No need to look for weapons, it’s the dude you control that is packed with surprises!

A dystopian worlds presents an ambience of dislocation, menace and tough love which is set around World War III. The unseen aggressor that is consuming its way through the population is a parasitic organism capable of making hosts of unsuspecting human beings, consuming what’s the left of their souls and wreaking unfathomable havoc.

The game includes thirteen game levels; five main levels and eight sub-levels, plus the customary boss fight at the end of each main level and several mini-bosses. With martial law having been declared to make way for a global hunt, battle-hardened law enforcers have made allies of the most degenerate of criminals, while the rest of the world is paralysed with paranoia. So who can be trusted? Who can see it, let alone destroy it? That’s for them to worry about.You are the enemy and the organism with a mission. You are the HyperParasite!

“Hound Picked Games is happy to be working with Troglobytes Games, a small but very accomplished team who have already worked on a number of titles. Their vision for HyperParasite is commendable and we believe there is a huge collective of gamers who will find this title one that they will enjoy immensely. We have great faith in this title and Hound Picked Games will support it throughout until release in 2019!” Dan Muir, CEO Hound Picked Games.

Exciting features include:

  • A fresh twist on the genre: hop from one host body to another
  • Sixty playable characters to Body-Snatch and utilize their attributes
  • Unique retro 3D-pixelated visual style
  • Original soundtrack
  • Cast+ weapon includes cops+guns, werewolves+claws, robots+lasers, aliens, etc.
  • Procedurally generated levels that change
  • Extremely fun cop mode: what about two HyperParasites?

Watch the new trailer below.

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Hound Picked Games adds HyperParasite to its release schedule, 10.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating
Maui Vindevogel

23 year old based in Belgium with a passion for writing

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