Tomorrow there’s a temporary event in Rainbow Six Siege called “M.U.T.E. Protocol”

Tomorrow there’s a temporary event in Rainbow Six Siege called “M.U.T.E. Protocol”

Starting on the 4th of February, the event named M.U.T.E. Protocol will start in Rainbow Six Siege. This is a free event that’s available for all game owners on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. M.U.T.E Protocol is a new game mode which obviously will include more items for multiple Operators as well. M.U.T.E. Protocol is a variation on the 5 VS 5 Secure Area game mode. It plays in a futuristic version of the Tower map. It’s a game about assault where attackers need to conquer and defeat, and defenders need to.. well, defend.

There will be 26 exclusive items available for Operators Jackal, Lion, Kapkan, Mira, Ying, Oryx, Mute, and Vigil. These Operators will be available for free during the event as well to allow players to experience what the items are about. Also, there are special M.U.T.E. Protocol packs available for 300 R6 Credits or 12.500 Renown each. That, or you can earn them by doing special event challenges.

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