Warriors Orochi 4 announcement

Warriors Orochi 4 announcement

Dynasty Warriors, who remembers its impressionant battles of one vs thousands, a series that is as well known to hack and slash fans as Cola is known to soda lovers. Next to that series is Warriors Orochi, in its core its the same game but slightly different in execution. In Autumn of this year the fourth installment shall be released on each platform. Last time the heroes successfully defeated the Orochi and ended its reign for once and for all, but somehow the worlds got merged and our warriors need to solve the mystery containing this. Fighting a god is something impossible, but needing to take on the supreme god of all gods, they will need a bigger sword.

Gameplay that is seen through the eyes of 170 characters where 165 return from popular franchises like Samurai Warriors, Warriors Orochi and Dynasty Warriors is a great combination for mass murder on Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch and PC trough Steam this Autumn.

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Never give up on a dream. It might be a long nightmare, but one day it will change into a beautiful reality - MC_JP 2014

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