Leximan casts a spell on Steam today

Leximan casts a spell on Steam today

Developer Knights of Borria and publisher Marvelous Europe are proud to announce the release of Leximan, a narrative-driven adventure game set in a modern fantasy world, now available on Steam. Leximan combines word puzzles with a unique sense of humor and unexpected twists. In Leximan, players take on the role of a student at the Academy Elementinia, an exclusive school for magic. Players will use “Leximancy,” a form of magic centered around language, to solve problems and progress through the game. The story follows an unlucky protagonist, who has been relegated to the school’s basement due to past magical mishaps, as they are unexpectedly called upon to save the academy from an unknown threat.

Players will embark on an adventure filled with unusual challenges and a diverse cast of characters, including potion witches, musclemancers, and a pyromancer. The game emphasizes themes of self-acceptance and empowerment. For an enhanced experience, a Digital Deluximan Edition of the game is also available. This edition includes the game’s soundtrack, featuring over 100 minutes of retro-inspired music, and the Basement Breakout TTRPG Mini-Campaign PDF. The Digital Deluximan Edition is priced at $19.99, while the standard edition is available for $14.99. A 10% discount is being offered for both versions until August 20. Leximan is available now on Windows PC via Steam, and we’ll have a review up for you soon.

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