A closer look at the characters of Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero

A closer look at the characters of Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero

Coming in 2025 to Nintendo Switch, PS4/5, and PC is Phantom Brave: The Lost Hero. In this game, we will follow Marona, a young girl who has the ability to speak to Phantoms. Players will travel in an ocean world named Ivoire and collect a crew that can defeat a fleet of ghost ships. The gameplay requires players to recruit Phantoms, bind them to objects, combine them with Gadgets, or even with Marona herself. While we don’t know much about the game or the gameplay yet, we did get three short clips that show some of the most important characters you will encounter. In true anime fashion, each character has strongly exaggerated emotional features that fit their role.

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I'm a game designer, developer, and reviewer. I've been reviewing for 3rd-strike.com since 2017.

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