Reviews / PS Vita

Sonic & All-stars racing transformed – Review

Sonic & All-stars racing transformed – Review

Over the years we’ve been bombarded with loads of karting games, be it good ones or awful ones. Sega did it’s quite successful attempt with the first Sonic & All-stars racing a few years ago. ... Read More »

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Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz – Review

Super Monkey Ball: Banana Splitz – Review

Some series just won’t back down, no matter how harsh the criticism gets, no matter how low they, err, go. Super Monkey Ball in particular has been around for ages and has been released and re-rel... Read More »

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Street Fighter x Tekken – Review

Street Fighter x Tekken – Review

Reviewing Street Fighter x Tekken might be one of the toughest tasks i’ve ever set my mind to. For starters there are decades of video game history to fall back on, not for one game, but for b... Read More »

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LittleBigPlanet Vita – Review

LittleBigPlanet Vita – Review

Let’s start with a personal history lesson. About 15 years ago, when I was still a unexperienced and innocent lad, I often stayed at my grand-parents’s house after school hours. They lived... Read More »

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New Little King Story – Review

New Little King Story – Review

You might not have heard of Little King’ Story before, but the ‘New’ in the title should tell you that this Vita-release isn’t the first game in the series. As for why the or... Read More »

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Metal Gear Solid HD Collection – Review

Metal Gear Solid HD Collection – Review

After Years of anxious waiting both Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance and Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistance  are finally getting a rerelease on PS Vita. As everyone may already know, these games are classi... Read More »

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