Reviews / Switch

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles (Switch) – Review

Yonder: The Cloud Catcher Chronicles (Switch) – Review

As with lots of triple A titles, when a game is released, other games will try to ride off of its success. Clone games have always been part of our industry, but where is the line drawn of what would ... Read More »

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The Lost Child – Review

The Lost Child – Review

The first person dungeon crawler is a dying breed, to the point where we had even forgotten it existed. As such, fans of this genre are probably parched and dying for a fix. Rejoice: developer Crim re... Read More »

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Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory – Review

Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory – Review

You might have heard of the game ‘Fallen Legion’ as it has been released on a variety of consoles and devices. With Fallen Legion: Rise to Glory, YummyYummyTummy and Mintsphere are adding the Nint... Read More »

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MotoGP 18 – Review

MotoGP 18 – Review

Another day, another sports game but to be truly honest with you, this time we don’t really mind because Milestone just gave us a new addiction with their latest release of MotoGP 18. This simulato... Read More »

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The Banner Saga 2 (Switch) – Review

The Banner Saga 2 (Switch) – Review

Versus Evil is working overtime to finish the third and final installment in the Banner Saga series, which will release on all major platforms in July. To make the game more accessible on the Switch, ... Read More »

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Legend Of Kay Anniversary (Switch) – Review

Legend Of Kay Anniversary (Switch) – Review

Legend Of Kay was a popular PS2 game that was released in 2005. Since then the game has been reworked and released on several platforms as Legend of Kay Anniversary. This time a Nintendo Switch versio... Read More »

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Suicide Guy – Review

Suicide Guy – Review

Living with a low wage paying job can be hard. The long hours, limited opportunities, and hard labor can really break a man. Point and case, Suicide Guy. Opening to your character on a chair, asleep a... Read More »

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Castle of Heart – Review

Castle of Heart – Review

We can’t deny that the Switch has been gaining more and more momentum with many AAA publishers porting games to Nintendo’s hybrid console and many other, smaller developers creating original title... Read More »

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Pillars of Eternity II:  Deadfire – Review

Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire – Review

In March 2015, Obsidian Entertainment dropped Pillars of Eternity on us, one of the most critically acclaimed RPG-games from the last few years. And well-earned. It mixed a great amount of detail with... Read More »

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Tennis World Tour – Review

Tennis World Tour – Review

There have been plenty of sports games throughout the years, and tennis games are no exception. Mario Tennis, Top Spin, how much can you name from the top of your head? Tennis World Tour promises to b... Read More »

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