Reviews / Switch

Capes – Review

Capes – Review

Turn-based strategy titles typically take place in a fantasy setting a la Fire Emblem or Disgaea or a sci-fi setting like XCOM. By contrast, Spitfire Entertainment’s Capes already stands out from it... Read More »

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Terra Memoria – Review

Terra Memoria – Review

It’s time for another entry in our irregular and never-ending battle against the backlog. When French indie developer La Moutarde and publisher Dear Villagers released Terra Memoria in early Februar... Read More »

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Rainbow Cotton – Review

Rainbow Cotton – Review

On-rail arcade shooters seem to be a rare breed these days, as the genre reached its peak popularity back in the 90s, only to suddenly disappear from mainstream gaming. Recently we saw the release of ... Read More »

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Botany Manor – Review

Botany Manor – Review

One of the joys of reviewing video games is that occasionally you run into a game you wouldn’t have picked up on your own volition, only to fall in love with it. Botany Manor is such a game. It does... Read More »

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Goons: Legends & Mayhem – Review

Goons: Legends & Mayhem – Review

Released on the 11th of April 2024, Goons: Legends & Mayhem (just ‘Goons’ from here on out) is a hockey-themed game developed by RageCure Games and published by Firestoke. While the game focus... Read More »

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In Celebration of Violence (PS5) – Review

In Celebration of Violence (PS5) – Review

For today’s review, we’ll be looking at an interesting Rogue-like, dungeon crawler game. In Celebration of Violence seems like the perfect name for an action-packed and gory game. There wi... Read More »

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Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan – Review

Sydney Hunter and the Curse of the Mayan – Review

When people grow up in a certain era of gaming, the look, touch, and feel of those games will get engrained in their brains. Later, once the necessary skills to create games are obtained, those same p... Read More »

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Touhou Mystia’s Izakaya – Review

Touhou Mystia’s Izakaya – Review

For better or worse, Touhou Project wasn’t even remotely on this reviewer’s radar before taking a look at Touhou Mystia’s Izakaya. From what we gather, the game is actually a fan-made affair, an... Read More »

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Freedom Planet 2 – Review

Freedom Planet 2 – Review

Way back in 2014, indie developer team GalaxyTrail sought to fill a void left by Sonic the Hedgehog. You see, back in the ‘90s, the blue blur was actually known for excellent 2D platformer games ins... Read More »

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Endless Ocean: Luminous – Review

Endless Ocean: Luminous – Review

If a year ago, you’d have told us that Nintendo themselves would be bringing back not just one but two forgotten franchises from the Wii era to the Switch this year, we wouldn’t have believed you.... Read More »

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