Dead Rising 3 gets a 13 GB patch

Dead Rising 3 gets a 13 GB patch

If you have an Xbox One and you wanted to play Dead Rising 3 lately you might have found yourself face to face with an overwhelmingly large patch upon boot up. The patch which clocks in at a whopping 13 GB’s is said to be getting the game ready for it’s first upcoming expansion on the new console.

Apparently from what people have dug into the patch its there to let people who have purchased the upcoming expansion and those who haven’t still be able to play together online.

Though for those of us who have a monthly cap on their internet or a slow connection this required patch might be something less than welcome. If you’re worried about the space on your console’s hard drive you won’t have to worry as much thank fully the patch won’t actually add up to the games total space. What that means is if the game is currently talking up 13 GB on your hard drive it won’t take up an extra 13 GB. It seems as though the update will be overwriting existing files during the patching process. So even though it’s a large patch to download you won’t actually be needing extra space, a very faint silver lining in this gigantic news.

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Craig Lynn

Craig spends most of his time playing Persona games to a ridiculous degree.

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