Dhalman will be a retro metroidvania shop management game

Dhalman will be a retro metroidvania shop management game

Described as an ode to the retro Japanese gaming genre, Dhalman is an interesting title. You might think this game is Indian at first glance since that’s the culture they’re clearly drawing inspiration from. But the game is a Metroidvania shop management game with character designs by Satoru Yamashita, famous for his work on Street Fighter 2 and Final Fight. The soundtrack will be composed by Akari Kaida from Mega Man fame. Quite a lot of experience, in other words. Dhalman is running a Kickstarter right now to see if it can get funded, be sure to check it out if you want. Or watch the trailer below first to learn the vibe of the game itself!

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Games are my escape and writing is my passion.

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