Follow Genre: Action
Developer: SANDLOT
Publisher: D3PUBLISHER
Platform: PC, PS4, PS5
Tested on: PC


Site Score
Good: Atmosphere, Smooth experience, Online co-op
Bad: Aiming feels a bit off, Frame drops even when nothing is happening
User Score
(1 votes)
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VN:R_U [1.9.22_1171]
Rating: 9.0/10 (1 vote cast)

Even though we have seen a few new EARTH DEFENSE FORCE titles in recent years, such as EARTH DEFENSE FORCE: WORLD BROTHERS and Earth Defense Force: Iron Rain, the last main entry already dates back to 2017 in Japan. While we could only play EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 5 in 2018 and PC gamers in 2019, it still felt like a long break for a series that would otherwise release titles at a faster pace. Now, however, the long wait is over, and we were finally able to dive back into the action with the remnants of the EDF. Even though the game felt very familiar, the somewhat darker side of the story added something fresh to the experience.


The EDF series is not known for its deep and engaging storylines, and we assumed that the sixth mainline entry wouldn’t be any different. However, the game did manage to surprise us, as the introduction is so much more bleak than the other games. You’ll basically be picking up the pieces after the initial war with the so-called Primers, who invaded the Earth several years before the events of this game. The EDF, or at least what’s left of them, managed to push back the invaders, but sadly 90% of the world’s population got wiped out in the bloody war. Now, you’re still fighting the aliens and monsters that were left behind by the Primers, hoping that one day the planet may recover. Sadly, things take a turn for the worst as the Primers have seemingly returned, ready to wipe out the rest of humanity. While that seems to be it for the planet, things take a surprising turn when time travel gets thrown into the equation.

All in all, this was one of the more engaging storylines that the series has presented us with, and we did like the shift from the regular format. By adding the time travel concept to the mix, things feel less repetitive. Other than that, the overall B movie quality is still present, which makes it fit nicely with prior entries.


Graphically EDF6 treats us to familiar sights when it comes to the enemies, the different playable classes, and the weapons. The backdrops, however, have changed significantly, as the bright city-scapes have made room for a bleak and desolate surface world that is littered with destroyed buildings, abandoned cars, and other rubble. This creates a stark contrast with previous entries, but given the story, it does make sense. We needed some time to adjust to our new surroundings, as the game felt a bit harsh and brutal at times due to the post-apocalyptic environments, but we could appreciate the effort.

Shooting aliens and gigantic bugs felt as satisfying as ever, and we enjoyed seeing the different weapon animations and the dismemberment that ensued. The overall performance was not that great, however. We experienced an almost permanent mild stutter every few seconds, and there were significant frame drops during intense battle segments. It never got to the point that the game became unplayable, but it was very noticeable nonetheless.


If you’ve played earlier installments of the series, you’ll notice the return of many iconic sound effects, and even the music has remained somewhat the same. We loved the audio feedback of the weapons, and the cheesy voice acting still did the trick for us. If you don’t know the franchise yet, you could set the voice acting quality on the same level as a typical B-movie that you’ll see on TV on a lazy Sunday afternoon. While this may not sound appealing, it actually fits the setting perfectly, and the hammed-up performances do add a bit of charm to the overall experience.


Under the hood of EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 lies pretty much the same game as earlier installments. You’ll be treated to a very explosive third-person shooter that allows you to play four different classes. The game can be tackled solo, with a friend via local split-screen, or online with up to three other players. For higher difficulties, it’s a lot more manageable if you can get a full party up and running, as you might find yourself getting swarmed too easily otherwise. Even so, the gameplay loop is very straightforward, as you simply play through missions in which you have to kill all alien invaders or monsters in sight.

The mission-based format has remained unchanged, and you’ll have to play through over 130 short missions before you reach the ending. Playing solo might increase the overall playtime by quite a bit, but most missions will often still take around 10 to 15 minutes. You get to choose your loadout, and as you complete missions, you’ll find new weapons and gear, as well as armor upgrades. It’s a simple formula that works great. There are four difficulty levels to choose from, adding even more replayability to the mix. There really isn’t that much more to say. We would have perhaps loved a small control scheme overview when picking a class you haven’t played before, as it might take you a few moments to figure out how some of them work. Messing around with the four different classes is a lot of fun, and you’re sure to find one that suits your playstyle.

Truth be told, there actually isn’t that much more to say when it comes to the general gameplay. You select a mission, and you shoot everything that stands in your way, and that’s about it. The game does spice up certain missions by giving you additional tools or weapons to clear the task at hand, but other than that, it’s a fairly straightforward shooter. Of course, the EDF series isn’t known for producing polished AAA titles, but they always provide a whole lot of fun. EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 follows the same formula as the previous titles, and this also means that it’s a bit rough around the edges at times. The controls are responsive, but you might see yourself getting stuck behind smaller obstacles. Sometimes the hitboxes feel a bit off, and some of the mechanics feel a bit clunky. It’s all part of the experience, however, and we didn’t notice any game-breaking bugs during our testing period.


EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6, just like previous installments in the series, is a lot of fun. The game comes up with a clever way of making the content more interesting thanks to its increase in story value. You’ll be treated to an explosive and action-packed third-person shooter that never fails to entertain, especially when played online with friends. Even though the game does feel a bit rough around the edges, and it does have a few repetitive segments, it’s a blast collecting new weapons and messing around with the different available classes. If you’re a fan of the franchise, we assume you’ve already picked this one up. If you’ve been on the fence for quite some time now, there isn’t much to go wrong with here.

VN:R_U [1.9.22_1171]
Rating: 9.0/10 (1 vote cast)
VN:R_U [1.9.22_1171]
Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
EARTH DEFENSE FORCE 6 - Review, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

Aspiring ninja.

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