Experience classic horror and grimdark gorefest fun in The Lacerator

Experience classic horror and grimdark gorefest fun in The Lacerator

The Lacerator has everything that classic horror movies and gorefests have to offer: a pornstar as the main character, a deranged serial killer as the main antagonist, excessive violence that leaves blood dripping from the screen, and perhaps a tiny bit of grim humor. This upcoming horror game by Games From The Abyss and DreadXP was inspired by known favorites such as Silent Hill and Resident Evil. But it’s also unique, with interesting graphics, tank controls, and a tense blend between survival horror and grimdark thriller elements. And did we mention there are multiple narrative paths that lead to different endings? Let’s see if you can escape a serial killer’s clutches with all your limbs attached. The Lacerator is coming to PC in 2025.

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Games are my escape and writing is my passion.

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