Garrett got Russled out of Thief

Garrett got Russled out of Thief

The first actual trailer for the new Thief game has been released and its something for fans of the original Thief games. The game trailer shows us as the games protagonist Garrett prepares his heist, by grabbing together his arsenal and telling us what makes the perfect Thief, aside from his answer making little sense to me it let me know that, the original voice actor for Garrett isn’t returning.

Garrett was originally voiced by Stephen Russell but has instead been replaced because the developers wanted to the voice actor to also don the mocap suit, and do the main characters own stunts. While this worked in favour for the Uncharted games that employed the same thing it’s not necessary to get an amazing or believable performance in your game. With Bioshock Infinite being the most readily available example, as having released a game with a character who felt alive, and believable in the game. While also having her, mocap artist, voice actress, and face model be three entirely different women.

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Craig Lynn

Craig spends most of his time playing Persona games to a ridiculous degree.

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