Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure donates revenue for World Oceans Day Charity Steam Sale

Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure donates revenue for World Oceans Day Charity Steam Sale

The good news today from Jagex and Snowcastle Games as they have announced that their game Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure is featured at a 15% discount in the WDC World Oceans Day Charity Sale and they are donating 20% of the revenue to support the WDC with their conservation work. As Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure is an island crafting game all about exploring, farming and building a thriving settlement it is important to respect the world that we are currently living in. It almost feels like hitting two birds with one stone, not only will gamers get a discount but in the meantime you are also supporting a good cause.

In Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure players set foot on an idyllic island where they can farm resources and craft tools to grow their dilapidated ruin to a thriving hamlet. Alone or with friends they can traverse through a colorful world filled with friendly neighbors and dangerous pirates while being guided through the story of the Earthlock saga. Will you be able to find all the hidden secrets that the island brings? Or will you rather enjoy your stay like a vacation, all is up to you.

Key features include:

  • Transform the island: Players will harvest resources and then use their workshop to build and create items to customize their island. What starts off as dilapidated ruins will soon grow into the player’s home base, designed to their liking.
  • Comprehensive farming system: Players can design the layout of their farm, plant seeds, and nurture their crops.
  • Grow more powerful and thwart the pirates: As players become more vital and craft weapons, they’ll have to ensure the island is kept safe from danger, including bands of fearsome pirates.
  • Meet the locals and befriend the wildlife: Luckily there are many friendly characters to help out. Players will hear stories on the island’s history and bond with a colorful variety of creatures.
  • Play with friends: With the latest update, players will be able to explore, build and adventure across the mysteries of Ikonei Island with up to four players.

Ikonei Island: An Earthlock Adventure is available for Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Switch and PC.

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Never give up on a dream. It might be a long nightmare, but one day it will change into a beautiful reality - MC_JP 2014

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