Into the Emberlands now has a demo and soon starts its Early Access

Into the Emberlands now has a demo and soon starts its Early Access

In Into the Emberlands, players venture out into the wild to search for lost “Knacks” to bring them back to safety, setting out with nothing but a lantern. The wilds will provide though, as you can collect resources that will aid you on your quest, and returned Knacks will help you to rebuild a village so it can act as a safe place. The biomes that you go through are procedurally generated and full of weird creatures such as sleepy trolls, crazy scientists, and chickens. They might help you upgrade your equipment, so think wisely about how your choices affect your future in the wild. Into the Emberlands now has a demo available and will launch its Early Access on June 19th.

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I'm a game designer, developer, and reviewer. I've been reviewing for since 2017.

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