Kill the Shadow looks like pixel art asian detective perfection and we’re here for it

Kill the Shadow looks like pixel art asian detective perfection and we’re here for it

Chinese developer Shadowlight Sanctuary comes with a game that looks like delicious pixel art. It looks so tasty that it reminds us very strongly of The Last Night, that game that got insane traction with its beautiful trailer but has still not been able to deliver until today. Kill the Shadow already has one huge advantage though: It has a demo on Steam, so it’s actually playable. In Kill the Shadow, the player is Detective Ah’Guang in a post-war divided city to investigate a series of murders. To do so, the player can use the detective’s intelligence to “turn back time” and uncover what happened, finding clues everywhere. At the very least it’s a game we are rooting for to release, but at the best, we expect somewhat of a diamond in the rough here that might be worth a lot to gamers at some point. The game will release at the end of 2024.

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I'm a game designer, developer, and reviewer. I've been reviewing for since 2017.

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