Neamedia Icons Genshin Impact: The Official Licensed Light – Accessory Review
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Neamedia Icons Genshin Impact: The Official Licensed Light – Accessory Review

Good: Design, Sturdy
Bad: Price point might be a bit high for casual fans
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VN:R_U [1.9.22_1171]
Rating: 9.0/10 (1 vote cast)

Today we’re straying away a bit from our usual review format to bring you this mini-review of the newly released Genshin Impact: The Official Licensed Light. Neamedia Icons has recently been releasing quite a few licensed lights of different gaming franchises, and this is the most recent addition to that collection. We were lucky enough to be given a sample of the Genshin Impact light, and we were quite impressed with the overall quality.



The picture-perfect 3D replica of the Genshin Impact logo is very sturdy and the level of detail is quite impressive. We have often seen decorative items such as this, where the details were a bit muddy or where the level of polish was underwhelming. We did not notice any small plastic bits that weren’t properly sanded off or even minor color inconsistencies. The backside does show some screws, but they have been neatly embedded into the plastic casing and don’t stand out at all. As a whole, the design was purposely kept simple and because of this, it’s very suitable for all types of Genshin Impact fans. The object was designed with a lot of respect for the source material, which is always great for longtime fans.

We were surprised by how bright and clear the light actually shines. The light also has an internal battery, which can be charged via USB-C. The option to remove the cable is quite nice, and it’s simply aesthetically pleasing when you want to embed it into a gaming setup or a Genshin Impact display. The light has no other bells and whistles, and it’s just a matter of charging the battery, turning the device on/off, and that’s about it.


While this is probably one of the shortest reviews ever on the site, we can conclude that Genshin Impact: The Official Licensed Light is a cool accessory for every Genshin Impact fan. The light looks great to spice up a gaming setup or as the centerpiece of a Genshin Impact collection display. The build quality is great, the design is handled with care, and it’s easy to recharge the light’s battery with the USB-C cable. If you’re looking for a fun decorative piece, we suggest checking this one out, or any of the other Neamedia Icons lights. You’ll also find lights of other franchises such as Cyperpunk 2077 and Assassin’s Creed.

VN:R_U [1.9.22_1171]
Rating: 9.0/10 (1 vote cast)
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Rating: 0 (from 0 votes)
Neamedia Icons Genshin Impact: The Official Licensed Light - Accessory Review, 9.0 out of 10 based on 1 rating

Aspiring ninja.

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