Revamped classic Riven releases on June 25th for PC and Metaquest

Revamped classic Riven releases on June 25th for PC and Metaquest

The acclaimed narrative puzzle-adventure game Riven has gotten a revamp. Once again developer Cyan Worlds returns to the intriguing world of Myst and its sequel Riven, allowing you to explore mysterious locations and soak in the atmosphere. Riven offers full 3D environments to explore (as opposed to the original version of the game from the 90s which consisted of still images and was closer to a point-and-click experience). Solve difficult puzzles and discover the story through visual clues in this interesting title that will blend retro elements with modern elements. New players or old players, both will be intrigued. Riven launches on June 25th for PC, and also for Metaquest 2 and Metaquest 3 if you’re looking for a more immersive VR experience.

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Games are my escape and writing is my passion.

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