Stronghold: Warlords – New videos released

Stronghold: Warlords – New videos released

New videos have been released for the real-time strategy game: Stronghold: Warlords. You can check the videos out below!

These videos are dev diaries which show some of the features from Stronghold: Warlords which is a new game that was first shown at E3 2019. The game is the newest castle sim and will also be a step forward for the genre. Fan-favorite features from previous games in the Stronghold series will also be returning such as Fear Factor, Laddermen and Siege Towers.

“In terms of core features Warlords is a love letter to fans of the series,” said Nick Tannahill, Marketing Director at Firefly Studios. “We’ve taken Stronghold to a completely new setting, but also brought back fan favourite units like Laddermen and Siege Towers. In addition, we’ve made some big improvements to unit control and wall building, based on player feedback from Crusader 2.”

Firefly Studios is also listening to their community and are planning to implement troop and wall improvements which were highly requested. A few of the improvements that fans can expect are: allowing walls to travel along the terrain, 3D unit placement, and collision.

Stronghold: Warlords is set for release on PC in 2020.

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