60 seconds

60 Seconds! (Xbox One) – Review

60 Seconds! (Xbox One) – Review

The Cold War had many people on edge, especially Americans were afraid that the Chinese or Russians would have an all-out nuclear war and destroy the world as we know it. For this reason, many househo... Read More »

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60 Seconds! Reatomized – Review

60 Seconds! Reatomized – Review

One minute is an incredibly short time span to do anything in, let alone save yourself, your possessions and your loved ones from an incoming nuclear blast. Not to mention whatever horrors come afterw... Read More »

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Are you ready for Stray?

Are you ready for Stray?

Robot Gentleman, the creators of 60 Seconds! , is working together with cinematographer Kacper Fertacz to bring you a game that combines gaming with the power and beauty of cinema. In Stray, you are a... Read More »

Big news for 60 seconds!

Big news for 60 seconds!

The end of the year brings a new update to 60 seconds! game and ambitious plans for 2016, including launching on new platforms. 60 Seconds! is a dark comedic atomic adventure of scavenge and survival,... Read More »

60 Seconds – Review

60 Seconds – Review

Some people believe that the world will end in a tragic way. Some believe that Earth will have his wrath on humanity while others think a nuclear holocaust is near. What if any of the previously ment... Read More »

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60 Seconds! now on Steam Greenlight

60 Seconds! now on Steam Greenlight

Steam Greenlight is a great way for indie games to get the spotlight, and 60 Seconds! is another game looking to get into it. 60 Seconds! is about the life of Ted, a hard working citizen. Suddenly, th... Read More »