
Atsusacon 2018

Atsusacon 2018

Summer is always a joyous time, especially when you got sun, vacation and a con. One of the smaller, but cozy, events of the year is Atsusacon. This convention targets mostly cosplayers and people who... Read More »

Atsusacon 2017

Atsusacon 2017

There are quite some cons during the summer season and one of them is Atsusacon. It was the fifth time we could attend this event and get a whiff of the Japanese culture and workshops. Last year, the ... Read More »

Atsusacon 2016

Atsusacon 2016

After our visit to Starcom, it is time to reflect on the weekend of Atsusacon. This convention was held in the ICC or International Convention Centre in Ghent for the second time. Last year, there wer... Read More »

Atsusacon 2015

Atsusacon 2015

After one con comes another! 2 weeks ago, we had the opportunity to go to Starcom, a comic book sci-fi con. This time, we were once again present at Atsusacon, which is a whole other thing. Atsusacon ... Read More »