
Roguebook – Review

Roguebook – Review

Developed by the creators of Faeria with the assistance of Richard Garfield, the creator of the popular card game Magic: The Gathering, Roguebook is a new roguelike deck-builder. In this game, you nee... Read More »

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Vortex Attack Ex – Review

Vortex Attack Ex – Review

Alien threats always were a nice subject for games and in Vortex Attack Ex, it’s not any different. The whole purpose of the game is to blast away as many bad guys as you can, while not being destro... Read More »

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Gal Metal – Review

Gal Metal – Review

Rhythm games have always been a thing, but they have never been so popular as during the heydays of Guitar Hero, and to a lesser extent DJ Hero. Before we knew it, these kinds of games were everywhere... Read More »

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The Shallows (DVD) – Movie Review

The Shallows (DVD) – Movie Review

Since the coming of the Jaws movies, movies and stories about sharks, and other dangerous sea creatures, sometimes realistic, while other times preposterous, have had a huge following. Every now and t... Read More »

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Eye in the Sky (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Eye in the Sky (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Terrorism is probably the most discussed topic nowadays be it for fear mongering, to give horrible events a ‘place’ or simply because this is the state of the world we currently live in. Nonethele... Read More »

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