baldurs gate

Massive Winter Update for Alaloth – Champions of the Four Kingdoms

Massive Winter Update for Alaloth – Champions of the Four Kingdoms

Big news from Gamera Interactive, as they are excited to announce a massive update for their flagship title, Alaloth – Champions of the Four Kingdoms. The Winter Update, as it is called, comes with ... Read More »

Baldurs Gate 3 – New patch content will be unveiled soon!

Baldurs Gate 3 – New patch content will be unveiled soon!

The content of the 5th patch of Baldurs Gate 3 will be unveiled during the Panel From Hell 3, an interactive live event held on July 8; starting at 20:00 CEST! This inaugural ‘LarPG’ (‘Laria... Read More »

Atom RPG (Switch) — Review

Atom RPG (Switch) — Review

War… A bringer of hostility, despair, and destruction. When the battle is over, whether we lost or won, there’s an aftermath that all survivors have to face. In Atom RPG, we are left with a de... Read More »

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Baldur’s Gate I & II Enhanced Edition – Review

Baldur’s Gate I & II Enhanced Edition – Review

Baldur’s Gate is one of the very old games that people went haywire over because of how far ahead it was for its time. But that was in 1998, the year the original Baldur’s Gate got release... Read More »

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Baldur’s Gate III announced

Baldur’s Gate III announced

The tenth installment of the Baldur’s Gate series has been announced, and for the very first time, it will be available on Google Stadia as well. Dubbed as Baldur’s Gate III, the game is b... Read More »

Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition – Review

Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition – Review

If you’re a fan of old school RPG’s like D&D, chances are you’ve heard of Icewind Dale. Back then, it was one of the best games in its genre. The developers have allowed us a sec... Read More »

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