
Overwatch (Switch) – Review

Overwatch (Switch) – Review

It has already been three years since Overwatch was released on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 and it was clear that the game was properly adapted for console play. With Paladins, the Overwatch clone, bei... Read More »

Site Score
Battleborn – Review

Battleborn – Review

There has been a buzz surrounding Battleborn for quite some time, not only because of the flashy action it would offer, but the fact that 25 heroes would take the stage in this first person shooter, d... Read More »

Site Score
Battleborn Tap out now for iOS and Android

Battleborn Tap out now for iOS and Android

On the same day of the Battleborn release, 2K Games has also published Battleborn Tap: a mobile game for iOS and Android! You can join the fight and save the last star in the universe, all on your sma... Read More »

Launch trailer for Battleborn released

Launch trailer for Battleborn released

Battleborn, an upcoming multiplayer first-person shooter is launching on the third of May. For that occasion, 2K and Gearbox have released the Battleborn launch trailer! In Battleborn, you can play in... Read More »

Motion Comics for Battleborn

Motion Comics for Battleborn

Today is the day that you’re able to read or watch three of prequel motion comics of the game Battleborn. You’ll be treated with some events before you’re thrown into the battlefield... Read More »

Battleborn gets extensive trailer to celebrate launch of open beta

Battleborn gets extensive trailer to celebrate launch of open beta

2K Games and Gearbox Software’s upcoming next-gen shooter Battleborn is getting a brand new trailer to honour its open beta, which launches tomorrow April 8th on PS4 and April 13th on PC and Xbo... Read More »

Open Beta for Battleborn will start on the 8th/13th of April.

Open Beta for Battleborn will start on the 8th/13th of April.

2K and Gearbox Software have announced that Battleborn’s Open Beta will start on the 8th of April for PlayStation and on the 13th of April for PC and Xbox One. The Open Beta will you access to 2 sto... Read More »

Battleborn gets Incursion Mode

Battleborn gets Incursion Mode

Battleborn is an up and coming next-gen first person shooter by the creators of Borderlands. The game will feature a very exciting sounding incursion mode, which will drop you in the middle of a dange... Read More »

Battleborn gets new characters

Battleborn gets new characters

2K Games and Gearbox Software have announced three new playable heroes for their upcoming hero-shooter Battleborn. The heroes in question are Shayne and Aurox, Whiskey Foxtrot and Kelvin, together wit... Read More »

Battleborn reveals its 16th playable hero at PlayStation Experience

Battleborn reveals its 16th playable hero at PlayStation Experience

Battleborn got some great reveals last weekend during the annual PlayStation Experience press conference in San Francisco. Not only did Gearbox Software allow a peak at the game’s 16th playable... Read More »

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