Beyond Good and Evil

Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition – Review

Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition – Review

It’s hard to believe that two decades have passed since Beyond Good & Evil first graced the CRT screens of gamers around the world. While the game didn’t really find commercial success immedia... Read More »

Site Score
While waiting for a sequel, we get an 20-year Anniversary Edition of Beyond Good & Evil

While waiting for a sequel, we get an 20-year Anniversary Edition of Beyond Good & Evil

Yes, you read that right. Some of you might get a heart attack reading it’s already been 20 years, but that’s how old Beyond Good & Evil is, the highly appraised game where you play as... Read More »

Go up and beyond with Beyond Good And Evil 2

Go up and beyond with Beyond Good And Evil 2

Ubisoft came with a surprise up their sleeve when they came to E3. So not all their stuff gets leaked. The game: Beyond Good and Evil 2 has been officially announced and it’s not a sequel to the... Read More »