Pumped BMX Pro – Review

Pumped BMX Pro – Review

Three and a half years ago Yeah Us! developed an arcade sports game called Pumped BMX +. For a one man studio, Yeah Us! put out a great game with highly positive reviews. Now, we finally get a sequel ... Read More »

Site Score
Get tricked out in Pumped BMX Pro

Get tricked out in Pumped BMX Pro

If you are an owner of the Nintendo Switch, the Xbox One or the PC, then you’ll be glad to know that you’ll be playing Pumped BMX Pro on the 7th of February 2019. Wait, that’s today?... Read More »

Trauma Protocol: California Games

Trauma Protocol: California Games

In my line of work as an EMT, we have what we refer to as a “Trauma Protocol.” A trauma protocol is a term used when talking to the hospital over the phone while we are en route with a pat... Read More »