
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (PlayStation 4) – Review

Max: The Curse of Brotherhood (PlayStation 4) – Review

Siblings have a special kind of connection that you often can’t find somewhere else. One moment you hate one another, but the next you’re willing to risk your life to save that member of your fami... Read More »

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Assassin’s Creed – A whole new world!

Assassin’s Creed – A whole new world!

After the movie was released, the Assassin’s Creed franchise needed a new direction to take their universe in. Among the news regarding the new main series title, we also got announcements for n... Read More »

All New X-Men #008 – Comic Book Review

All New X-Men #008 – Comic Book Review

Shit completely hit the fan in the last omnibus of the All New X-Men, where past, present and future were having a battle royale for the actual fate of the future. Nonetheless, nobody knew who were th... Read More »

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