
Suicide Squad Extended Cut (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Suicide Squad Extended Cut (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

It’s been a while since we had anything to do with the members of the Suicide Squad. The last time we saw many of the villains that are found in this task force was in the animated DC movie ‘Assau... Read More »

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Duke Grabowski, Mighty Swashbuckler – Review

Duke Grabowski, Mighty Swashbuckler – Review

Beware, pirates are coming ashore once again! In this title, it’s Duke Grabowski and his mates who arrive in the harbor. While his mates will repair the ship after battle at sea, Duke has a quest to... Read More »

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All Guns On Deck – Preview

All Guns On Deck – Preview

The seas have always formed an interesting battlefield through history, also for games. All Guns On Deck builds further upon naval warfare with strategy, action, a ton of enemies and juicy guns that m... Read More »