
Moonbase 332 – Review

Moonbase 332 – Review

Moonbase 332 is a fast paced arcade shooter game in first person mode by PatchnoteStudio. You’ll mostly be running and gunning with an arsenal of the usual firepower you’ll pick up along the w... Read More »

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Invisible Apartment Zero – Review

Invisible Apartment Zero – Review

The visual novel video game genre has known its ups and downs throughout the gaming history. It’s not a genre that’ll suit everyone but the beauty of visual novels is that they don’t require adv... Read More »

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Invisible Apartment Zero now available on Desura

Invisible Apartment Zero now available on Desura

The prequel to the visual novel game Invisible Apartment is now available for purchase on Desura. The series is about a teenage girl which likes to hack stuff in her spare time. Kacey (as the characte... Read More »