
Sandberg HeroBlaster Wireless Headset – Hardware Review

Sandberg HeroBlaster Wireless Headset – Hardware Review

Only recently we took a closer look at a great gaming microphone from Sandberg’s eSports lineup, and now we’re back again to look at another product from the same assortment, namely the He... Read More »

Sandberg StreamBoard – Hardware Review

Sandberg StreamBoard – Hardware Review

Over the years we’ve tried out many gaming keyboards, in many different sizes, one being more visually pleasing than the other, while others heavily focused on features and sturdy building quality. ... Read More »

Dragon War Dragon Shock Ultimate – Hardware Review

Dragon War Dragon Shock Ultimate – Hardware Review

It’s been quite some time since we last featured any Dragon War products on the site, and while we were mostly content of their items, it’s their affordable gaming mice and third party controllers... Read More »