fallout 3

Fallout Anthology available now

Fallout Anthology available now

Fallout Anthology, the ultimate collectors box for the Fallout-series is available now! The box contains five videogames and addons, packaged in a mini-nuke crate, complete with bomb sounds. There... Read More »

Fallout Anthology available in October

Fallout Anthology available in October

Bethesda pleases yet more Fallout fans, not only is Fallout 4 coming out later this year, but Bethesda has just announced Fallout Anthology. Fallout Anthology is the definitive PC collection for the F... Read More »

Fallout 4 screenshots

Fallout 4 screenshots

After the exciting announcement of Fallout 4 and a trailer, Bethesda has spoiled us again with some screenshots! Before you get hyped, the screenshots are simply stills from the trailer, sadly enough.... Read More »