Flying Wild Hog

JUJU –  Review

JUJU – Review

Last month, 3rd Strike received a preview version of Flying Wild Hog’s surprisingly cheerful platformer JUJU. Only the first chapter was playable, but that was enough to warm our hearts. Although th... Read More »

Site Score
Get ready for some serious(?) co-op with JUJU

Get ready for some serious(?) co-op with JUJU

Flying Wild Hog’s fluffiest of platformers has been released onto the tropical jungles we call Steam, Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. As already mentioned in our hands-on preview of JUJU, this co-o... Read More »

JUJU – Preview

JUJU – Preview

The guys over at Flying Wild Hog are known for their violent track record. With Hard Reset, its sequel Exile and the bloody Shadow Warrior under their collective belts, you would expect them to contin... Read More »