
The Plot Against America (DVD) – Series Review

The Plot Against America (DVD) – Series Review

With The Man in the High Castle we saw a potentially different outcome of the Second World War, where Hitler won and even annexed the United States. The series proved to be a very interesting view thr... Read More »

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Through The Darkest of Times – Review

Through The Darkest of Times – Review

Games about war are not that uncommon. As a matter of fact, we used to be flooded with nazi-shooters such as Wolfenstein and any other war-inspired aggressive games. It’s only for a few years th... Read More »

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De Cambridge Five Deel 2: 54 Broadway – Comic Book Review

De Cambridge Five Deel 2: 54 Broadway – Comic Book Review

The previous issue of The Cambridge Five ended with a blast, quite literally. Kim Philby and several fellow journalists writing for influential magazines and newspapers were attacked in Spain by an ai... Read More »

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14-18 Missie Alaska Melun, Lente 1915 – Comic Book Review

14-18 Missie Alaska Melun, Lente 1915 – Comic Book Review

We often see the global image of what war does to people, especially those who are not able to protect themselves. Due to this we tend to forget that the soldiers fighting at the front are ordinary pe... Read More »

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Deadfall Adventures – Review

Deadfall Adventures – Review

Deadfall Adventures is the newest title of Noric Games. The game features combat like it was in the 1930’s and mummies! Lots of mummies! Together with your female sidekick you venture into the d... Read More »

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