
Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Ultimate Edition – Review

Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor – Ultimate Edition – Review

Warhammer 40,000 is still a very popular tabletop experience, and the universe is further expanded by books and new games. In 2018, we played through the very gritty and bloody Warhammer 40,000: Inqui... Read More »

Site Score
A Plague Tale: Innocence – Review

A Plague Tale: Innocence – Review

Focus Home Interactive is known for many titles, but for some reason we don’t often think of this Publisher when naming big releases. The publisher is known for games such as Battlefleet Gothic: Arm... Read More »

Site Score
Dragon Age Inquisition – New Trailer

Dragon Age Inquisition – New Trailer

As the newest installment in the Dragon Age franchise, Dragon Age Inquisition, is nearing its release soon, EA and Bioware released a new trailer called The Breach, together with a couple of other tra... Read More »

Dragon Age: Inquisition- E3

Dragon Age: Inquisition- E3

I’ve put an unhealthy amount of time into Dragon Age: Origins and Awakening on the PC, that being said I played through Dragon Age 2 once and couldn’t be bothered to play through it a seco... Read More »