Kevin Spacey

House of Cards – The Complete Series (Blu-ray) – Series Review

House of Cards – The Complete Series (Blu-ray) – Series Review

House of Cards called it quits in 2018, after giving the series a proper ending, albeit without the original star of the show, Kevin Spacey. The series would have probably gone on longer, if Spacey di... Read More »

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House of Cards: Season 6 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

House of Cards: Season 6 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

House of Cards has had a good run, and we reckon that if the allegations against Kevin Spacey didn’t rise to the surface, it would have gone on for a few more seasons. Nonetheless, we arrived at the... Read More »

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Baby Driver (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Baby Driver (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Baby Driver is one of those movies that caught a lot of wind the last year, as it received a lot of positive critiques when it aired in theatres, simply because it was different. Now that a few months... Read More »

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House of Cards: Season 5 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

House of Cards: Season 5 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

When we took a closer look at the previous season of House of Cardds, Obama was still in office, and now Trump has taken up his mantle as the next president of the United States, to the dislike of man... Read More »

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House of Cards: Season 4 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

House of Cards: Season 4 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

While a series surrounding the day-to-day life of Barack Obama would certainly be  rather interesting to see, especially if we could truly see what decisions he has to make on a daily basis, we’ll ... Read More »

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