Legends of Tomorrow

Supergirl: Season 5 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

Supergirl: Season 5 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

The addition of the Supergirl series to the other running DC shows once was a massive beacon of light and hope but has turned into a political and social justice warrior platform over the last few sea... Read More »

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Supergirl: Season 4 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

Supergirl: Season 4 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

DC’s quartet of series that got known by airing them on Netflix has been dipping in quality since several years ago. The series have become stale, the storylines too convoluted, the topics too repet... Read More »

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Legends of Tomorrow: Season 4 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

Legends of Tomorrow: Season 4 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

The Legends of Tomorrow have always been somewhat of the B team of the latest DC series. Nonetheless, if you look at it correctly, these time travelers are actually those who make sure the world is ac... Read More »

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The Flash: Season 4 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

The Flash: Season 4 (Blu-ray) – Series Review

After mucking about in the third season in order to save Iris’ life, Team Flash eventually beat Savitar, who happened to be another version of Barry from the future. This deranged version of the sup... Read More »

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