
Magicka 2 – Review

Magicka 2 – Review

Magicka, the humoristic franchise where wizards have to call upon the forces of nature and beyond to brew up some might spells, is back. The original game was loved for its wit, style and of course th... Read More »

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Magicka 2: Learn to Spell Again – Karaoke Trailer

Magicka 2: Learn to Spell Again – Karaoke Trailer

Paradox Interactive released a new trailer for the upcoming Magicka 2 game, with a pretty original kind of trailer. The spellcasting co-op game shows off it’s new gameplay by making use of a Mag... Read More »

Magicka: Wizard Wars open beta!

Magicka: Wizard Wars open beta!

STOCKHOLM — May 9, 2014 — Paradox Interactive and Paradox North today announced that Magicka: Wizard Wars, the online competitive multiplayer game of misdirected magic, is going to begin an Open... Read More »

Magicka: Wizards of the Square Tablet – Review

Magicka: Wizards of the Square Tablet – Review

Who here remembers Magicka? You should, because it was and still is one of the best action rpg’s on PC and Xbox 360 that got released in recent years. The original game had you combining different e... Read More »

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