Maple Whispering Limited

Make War – Review

Make War – Review

Everybody on the planet has probably considered what they would do should they ever get their hands on a time machine. With the entire past and future at your disposal, the havoc you can wreak would b... Read More »

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Dreamscaper: Prologue – Review

Dreamscaper: Prologue – Review

For ages now a good way to get players excited for an upcoming game was to release a demo. While not every developer engages in this practice anymore, sometimes merely relying on trailers or gameplay ... Read More »

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A Long Way Down – Review

A Long Way Down – Review

There is an expression: waking up dead. It’s a playful way of saying you can always pass away during your sleep. But if you believe in the afterlife, this gets a whole new meaning as you might go to... Read More »

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