Morgan Freeman

Going in Style (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Going in Style (Blu-ray) – Movie Review

Michael Kaine, Morgan Freeman and Alan Arkin have been in the movie business for quite some time, and it has been a while since these actors were in the lead of several movies per year, or at least mo... Read More »

Site Score
Follow Morgan Freeman’s search for God

Follow Morgan Freeman’s search for God

Everyone has their own opinion on if there is a greater being or not. Something out there that created our small Earth and looks after us, or just something more rational. Morgan Freeman will take us ... Read More »

Home Release – Dolphin Tale 2

Home Release – Dolphin Tale 2

Be honest here for a second. Do you like dolphins? Wait, what am I saying, of course you like dolphins. Everybody likes dolphins! Well, good news for all of us as a new Dolphin Tale movie is coming ou... Read More »