
Life is Strange 2: Episode 2 –  Review

Life is Strange 2: Episode 2 – Review

After a long wait, Life is Strange 2 Episode 2 is here! Life is Strange 2 is a choice based game where you follow the two brothers Sean and Daniel as they run away from the law. You will play as the b... Read More »

Site Score
Mushroom Wars – Review

Mushroom Wars – Review

Even though Mushroom Wars sounds like the new Mario Bros movie or two drug addicts duking it out on the street corner, it’s actually a game that revolves around the art of war, fought by small peopl... Read More »

Site Score
Mushroom Men: Truffle Trouble – Review

Mushroom Men: Truffle Trouble – Review

Mushroom Men: Truffle Trouble is the latest entry in the Mushroom Men saga. After Red Fly Studios successfully got their game crowdfunded through Gambitious, they’re now bringing their finished(... Read More »

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