
The Midnight Sanctuary coming to Switch, PS4, PSVR and Steam this fall

The Midnight Sanctuary coming to Switch, PS4, PSVR and Steam this fall

The Midnight Sanctuary, the occult suspense 3D novel from developer CAVYHOUSE and publisher UNTIES, will haunt your Nintendo Switch, PS4 and Steam from October 4th. VR Support for Steam and PSVR will... Read More »

First Kingdom Hearts: VR Experience announced

First Kingdom Hearts: VR Experience announced

Square Enix and Disney revealed the Kingdom Hearts: VR Experience during the PlayStation LineUp Tour in Japan. This new and free PlayStation 4 experience shows fans the Kingdom Hearts universe like ne... Read More »

VROOM KABOOM Vehicular Manslaughter

VROOM KABOOM Vehicular Manslaughter

Car combat games were a big deal in the late ninteties with titles such as Twisted Metal, Rogue Trip: Vacation 2012, Carmageddon and Vigilante 8. During the Millies this genre slowly dissapeared until... Read More »

Anamorphine second tech demo trailer

Anamorphine second tech demo trailer

Dealing with anxiety and guilt, Anamorphine will be an immersive story about Tyler and his wife Elena, who loses her ability to play the cello after an accident. Being the breadwinner, Elena’s i... Read More »

FATED: The Silent Oath available now for VR

FATED: The Silent Oath available now for VR

VR is getting more and more attention, and developers are quick to jump onto the hype wagon to develop VR-only games. That’s what developer Frima Studio did with its new game FATED: The Silent O... Read More »

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