
Handheld NAUTIZ X6 – Hardware Review

Handheld NAUTIZ X6 – Hardware Review

We are huge fans of covering fun and original hardware, and we don’t shy away from trying out new items that could be interesting for our readers. We are often surprised by less ‘popular&#... Read More »

Handheld launches the ultra-rugged Nautiz X9 PDA

Handheld launches the ultra-rugged Nautiz X9 PDA

Handheld Group, a leading manufacturer of rugged mobile computers, has announced its newest version of the Nautiz X9: the ultra-rugged Nautiz X9 PDA. This version with a sturdy magnesium casing is spe... Read More »

Bombslinger – Review

Bombslinger – Review

With already a great Bomberman game available on the Nintendo Switch, we were unsure how a Bomberman clone would fare on Nintendo’s new console, but our prejudice was immediately thrown in the wind ... Read More »

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