Runic Games

Torchlight II – Pre-orders now available!

Torchlight II – Pre-orders now available!

Torchlight II pre-orders are now available for PlayStation 4 & Xbox One, and will soon be available for the Nintendo Switch. As a bonus, there will be three exclusive pets for the console versions... Read More »

Runic games releases GUTS

Runic games releases GUTS

The title of this article might seem a bit weird, but I don’t mean their literal guts. GUTS is the name of the editor Runic games released today for their game Torchlight II. GUTS is basically the d... Read More »

Torchlight II – Review

Torchlight II – Review

Torchlight II is the long-awaited sequel of the first installment of the game. The original Torchlight game lacked a multiplayer function which saddened the fans, of a game that turned out to be a gre... Read More »

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