Sacred Fire

Sacred Fire – Reveals the Storm Within with New Trailer

Sacred Fire – Reveals the Storm Within with New Trailer

Psychological, turn-based RPG Sacred Fire is showcasing an exciting series of combat and dialogue choices in a brand new trailer named The Storm Within. Set in ancient Caledonia, in the shadow of the ... Read More »

Fight your demons in Sacred Fire

Fight your demons in Sacred Fire

Sacred fire is a psychological rpg in development by Poetic Studio. Today is a beautiful day as the developers have released a gameplay video with developer commentary. Anyone remember Dough Cockle? Y... Read More »

Sacred Fire – An Exciting New Psychological RPG Arrives On Steam Greenlight

Sacred Fire – An Exciting New Psychological RPG Arrives On Steam Greenlight

Set in ancient Caledonia, with the forces of the Roman Empire advancing, Sacred Fire is turn-based, psychological RPG that challenges you to lead a group of resistance fighters. From indie developers ... Read More »