Sega Master System

The Lost Sequels: NES Rarities

The Lost Sequels: NES Rarities

Happy new year, everybody! I hope the holidays brought much happiness to everyone, with time well spent with our families and friends. Hopefully, some of you scored some good vintage games to keep you... Read More »

Trauma Protocol: California Games

Trauma Protocol: California Games

In my line of work as an EMT, we have what we refer to as a “Trauma Protocol.” A trauma protocol is a term used when talking to the hospital over the phone while we are en route with a pat... Read More »

Kenseiden: A lost treasure of the Sega Master System

Kenseiden: A lost treasure of the Sega Master System

In the 1980’s, the world was going through what could best be described as a “Ninja Renaissance.”  Ninjas were everywhere, in movies, cartoons, television shows, and toys.  With th... Read More »

The Great Injustice of My Childhood: Ghostbusters Games

The Great Injustice of My Childhood: Ghostbusters Games

It must have been back in 1985 or 1986, when I was a young boy, sitting on the living room floor at my Grandparent’s house, when one of my Uncles brought a VHS tape into the room. I was playing ... Read More »

Renegade: Double Dragon’s Older Cousin

Renegade: Double Dragon’s Older Cousin

Do you ever try to ride the subway after hours, only to have a bunch of dudes with kendo sticks attack you for seemingly no reason? Or, have you ever gone for a ride on your motorcycle, only to have t... Read More »