Sleepy Hollow

Sleepy Hollow: Season 4 (DVD) – Series Review

Sleepy Hollow: Season 4 (DVD) – Series Review

After the unfortunate death of the second ‘witness’ and combatant of evil, Abbie Mills, Ichabod Crane was left to fend for himself in his role as a witness. With the third season concluding with g... Read More »

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Sleepy Hollow: Season 3 (DVD) – Series Review

Sleepy Hollow: Season 3 (DVD) – Series Review

For years now, detective series tend to reign supreme on many commercial channels, as they are easily accessible for everyone and more than often, they don’t put your grey matter to the test. Once i... Read More »

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Het Slapende Woud – Comic Book Review

Het Slapende Woud – Comic Book Review

With a title like ‘The Sleeping Forest’ and the rather ominous looking tree on the cover one could easily mistake this book as an homage to the well-known story of Sleepy Hollow, and honestly it s... Read More »

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Sleepy Hollow: Season 1 (DVD) – Series Review

Sleepy Hollow: Season 1 (DVD) – Series Review

The legend of Sleepy Hollow is a fairly known one, be it thanks to the all known tale of the headless horseman or simply because of the 1999 movie in which Johnny Depp shined as the quirky detective I... Read More »

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