Soldak Entertainment

Drox Operative 2 – Review

Drox Operative 2 – Review

Nine years ago, the first Drox Operative was released, which was received pretty well. Now, Drox Operative 2 has been released, and it is set in a later age after the ancients were driven back and a t... Read More »

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Din’s Legacy – Review

Din’s Legacy – Review

A remark often made is that games are being dumbed down and just look pretty. While in shooters this often just comes down to health packs disappearing in favor of regeneration, RPGs face bigger chang... Read More »

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Zombasite – Review

Zombasite – Review

If you are to believe the blurb on the box of a game or in this case the blurb in Steam, then Zombasite isn’t just another game with zombies, it’s a Soldak Entertainment game with zombies.... Read More »

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