starcraft 2

StarCraft II Wings of Liberty is becoming free to play

StarCraft II Wings of Liberty is becoming free to play

Blizzard Entertainment has announced to make StarCraft II free to play. This means that, from November the 14th forward, you’re able to dive into the world of Terran, Zerg and Protoss in the Win... Read More »

Starcraft II – Dehaka release trailer

Starcraft II – Dehaka release trailer

Blizzard has just released the newest Starcraft 2 commander, Dehaka. Dehaka embodies all of what it’s like to be a Zerg, with its abilities such as being able to leap onto enemies, petrifying ro... Read More »

StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void now available

StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void now available

Last year we caught some glimpses of StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void at BlizzCon 2014. The highly anticipated third iteration of the StarCraft II real-time strategy series has now been unleashed upon... Read More »

StarCraft II Legacy of the Void Prologue – Whispers of Oblivion‏

StarCraft II Legacy of the Void Prologue – Whispers of Oblivion‏

Blizzard will be releasing prologue missions to StarCraft II Legacy of the Void this summer. Whispers of Oblivion is a special three-mission series that has been created to bridge the storyline betwee... Read More »

New updates for Heroes of the Storm and StarCraft II

New updates for Heroes of the Storm and StarCraft II

Heroes of the Storm has finally hit closed beta about a month ago. Since then, Blizzard has done their best to continuously add new content to the game. Today, Blizzard has announced even more content... Read More »