State of Mind

State of Mind – Review

State of Mind – Review

People tend to have quite some criticism about how things are currently evolving, from problems with privacy on various ‘social media’ to religious zealotry, to political corruption. These are jus... Read More »

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State of Mind launches today

State of Mind launches today

It is the year 2048 and the world is in decay, various hazards terrorize the health of the humans with pollution, rising crime and depleting resources. Normal people are being replaced with artificial... Read More »

Keep your wits about in State of Mind

Keep your wits about in State of Mind

What do the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, PC, Mac, Nintendo Switch and Daedelic Entertainment have in common? State of Mind. This game will be released on the previously mentioned platforms and the last na... Read More »

State of Mind – Release creeping in closer

State of Mind – Release creeping in closer

Fans of “State of Mind” rejoice! It has been announced that the release of the game will be in the summer of 2018. State of Mind is a futuristic 3D thriller that is situated in Berlin 2048... Read More »